Last week Miss Cheryl was not feeling well so we did not have therapy, but thankfully she was feeling much better this week! We are back this week with many exciting developments in Lily's life! Unfortunately Lily was a bit stubborn when it came to therapy this week, but that could be because she was not ready to be awake that morning. All in all she did pretty good she was just on her own schedule and wanted to do her own things and not so much some of the stuff we wanted her to do.
We learned a couple of new routines this week which I think Lily is enjoying. Sadly I forgot the tool for one of them in Cheryl's office. It was the big "googley" eye! Lily has been very interested in the baby's eye for a few weeks now so Cheryl had decided maybe it was time to introduce Lily to the word "eye". Lily seemed to like this one a lot and has been poking me in the eye all week now! We also introduced her to a new scarf "up, up, up, Down" routine that Lily seemed just kind of so-so about. Mainly I think it is because she was tired. She just wasn't her usual animated self this Tuesday. She did choose to demonstrate for Cheryl her new found sounds of the week which was pretty cool! She is now saying and mimicking "baba", "mama", and "wawa". This little girl is on fire I tell you! She has also gone from walking to nearly running!
You can tell she is tired when she sits in my lap and isn't all over the place
This is Lily talking a week ago...
This is Lily saying "baba" on Friday this week!
Tune in later this week for a compilation of Lily's last 8 weeks and some new things she is picking up and her new favorite hobbies!
This is Lily saying "baba" on Friday this week!