Tuesday, October 29, 2013

We Are Back Once Again!

Lily sitting on Bobby's lap signing "Daddy" the day of activation!

This last month or so has made it a bit difficult to keep up with Lily's updates.  We have a total of 4 kids and life outside of Lily can get hectic!  I will not be posting an updated video in this blog post, but I promise to post an updated video that encompasses the last 7 weeks in the next blog post.  I hope to have that up by next Wednesday!

 Lily loves posing while we wait to see Cheryl!

Now on to the best part, Lily's progress!  Lily has now been active for four and a half months and is doing phenomenally!  She is picking up speech sounds at a 20 decibel hearing level.  At this point Lily has a really good foundation it seems with both receptive and expressive language skills. We absolutely attribute this to Miss Cheryl Klein at Zimmerman Speech and Hearing!  We have learned so much from her about how parents really play an important role in language development for kids with hearing loss. Auditory-verbal therapy does not stop the minute you walk out of the therapists office, it continues every waking minute of the child's day.  I know it sounds like a lot of work, but to be honest it is a lot of fun and some of the best one on one time you can spend with your child!  I feel like Cheryl has taught us how to turn regular everyday activities, that we would do with Lily anyway, into a speech learning experience.  Many people have seen us in stores lately dancing in the aisles with Lily because that was a recent word we were learning with Cheryl and Lily LOVES to dance!  We do everything with a little bit of flare and style when it comes to Lily and you know some people stare, but we don't mind as long as Lily is learning something new!  So a big THANK YOU and round of applause to Cheryl for showing how therapy is really done!

On other language fronts, not only is Lily really picking up on verbal language, but she is picking up sign language pretty quickly now too.  She is signing mommy, daddy, more, eat, milk, shoes, wash, all done, and clothes!  She loves watching her signing time videos and seems to pick it up pretty quickly.  I am amazed how it seems that each day she picks up a new sign and some new vocalizations as well!

 Isn't she the best Advanced Bionics model ever?  Alright the cutest!?!

I know many have heard about the new Advanced Bionics processor, the Naida Q70 CI.  Lily should be receiving both of hers, in princess pink of course, here in the next few weeks!  We are super excited to be able to use the new technology that is available!   We are hoping to see Lily soar even higher with the use of this new processor!

Lily can't wait to get her new Naidas!

For those of you who read my blog if you would like to comment I would really appreciate it!  I was contemplating starting a YouTube vlog as well to document some of the day to day things we see with Lily.  I feel like we see things day to day that just don't show up in her therapy progress videos.  What do you think?

Stay tuned for a new video next week!