This week has been a busy one in just the few short days there have been so far. On Monday, bright and early, we took Lily to Phoenix Children's Hospital to see Jackie Busen to have her new Naida CI Q70 processors programmed. It was so nice to see Jackie again and Lily seemed to really enjoy her visit. We took in Lily's Neptune processors and Jackie downloaded the maps off of those. She put the current map Lily was on onto the Naida processors as well as some new maps that included clear voice and the new Hi Res Optima!
Playtime with Daddy while we wait for programming
I must say that we are loving the new Naidas for Lily! She does so well keeping them on her ears and we use a headband to help keep them in place. Her battery life with the small 110 battery is amazing with the new Hi Res Optima program. She is only using about half of her battery in a full day of use. We were going through AAA batteries in the Neptune in less than 10 hours most days without the Hi Res Optima. So it is nice to see that the 110 Battery is lasting us much longer than it would without this new programming strategy!
Lily testing out her new ComPilot
As I showed in our unboxing we chose the ComPilot and AB myPilot for Lily's extra accessories with the order of her Naida processors. Both of these are absolutely amazing and we are so glad that we made this decision! Lily was using the ComPilot before we even left Phoenix Children's so she could watch signing time on her tablet. We didn't set up the AB myPilot until later that evening and I found it pretty easy to set up and navigate. I like that I can chose to change Lily's setting unilaterally or bilaterally and she only has to be close by and can still run around and play. She really isn't one to be held down to change her programs.
You can see her ComPilot and her signing time video
Tuesday morning brought more excitement, as we are always excited for our visits to see Cheryl for our therapy! I actually sat down last week and made a list for Cheryl, which of course I forgot to bring, of all the words Lily says and signs. Luckily I did have a picture that I had posted to instagram of said list which I promptly shared with Cheryl. Lily seems to be picking up language very quickly these days. Some days I can't keep up!
Getting ready to go see Cheryl
This therapy session was one of those special ones because daddy got to be there! Lily just lights up when her daddy is in her sessions. It gets her really excited to show off her skills! This is exactly what she did. I got some video of her showing her daddy how the cat listens and how the little toy guy says "weeee". She also signs a couple of different times if I am not mistaken. We are trying to keep Lily talking when she signs to keep both means of communication equal. She is pretty good at the balance though some words she can not speak yet because they are harder to say so she signs them.
Later in the day we met with a genetics doctor to get some information on the genes that could be causing the hearing impairment in my family. Currently we are suspecting Waardenburg Type II due to the blue eyes that seem to run with the deafness in my family as well as early greying hair and skin pigmentation. The doctor gave us a few different resources and routes to go as well as suggestions about getting our older children tested once the gene Lily has been identified. It will be exciting to actually know what gene has caused the larger number of deaf/hearing impaired individuals in my family!
How can you refuse to give her an apple when she verbally said apple?
How we keep the Naida processor in place and it works amazingly!
Signing time, apple slice, and her new Naidas...could life get any better?!?
Signing time, apple slice, and her new Naidas...could life get any better?!?
Stay tuned next week for more progress on Lily and the overview of her first week with the Naida CI Q70!