Saturday, July 20, 2013

Lily Shows Off Her New Skills!

Miss Lilybug had a very busy week this week.  On Tuesday we visited Cheryl at Zimmerman Speech & Hearing Center and on Thursday we got a visit from Cati, Lily's parent adviser from AZDB!

Lily, as always, thoroughly enjoyed her visit with Cheryl and we learned some more new routines that we can do at home.  Lily's favorite seemed to be the clapping song.  As you will see in the video from this week Lily even signed "more" so that we would sing the song again.  She also wowed Cheryl with her fabulous imitation of "fllllyyyy"!  Lily is picking up much more than we thought she would at this point in her journey.  She has become such a little vocalizer and listener!

On Thursday it took Lily a few minutes to warm up to Cati again, but once she did she really showed off some of her new skills.  Lily even allowed Cati to do some of her speech therapy routines with her.  Lily really shined when she showed Cati how to make the baby listen to her vocalizations!  I think Lily's favorite thing with Cati was the bubbles.  Lily used to be so afraid of bubbles, but now that they have been introduced into her therapy routine she doesn't seem to mind them so much.  It is great to really see her come out of her shell!
This week at home we have started to notice Lily really picking up the sounds we all make.  Her two favorites to mimic are kisses and blowing raspberries.  You can be anywhere in the room with her and make either of those two noises and within a few seconds she will start mimicking them.  A new one we have heard this week from her is "ahhhhh".  We discovered this one during her mid afternoon yogurt snack.  I happened to say "Lily say ahhhh" and she in turn said "ahhhhh" and got her bite of yogurt!  We are looking at this little girl that we thought would never hear our voices and seeing a girl who is so obviously hearing our voices every day now!

Stay tuned for more exciting developments next week!  Lily will be attending the BEA gathering where Jacob Landis will be and then attending her first baseball game right afterwards!

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